[bezdna.su] [pic-bash.ru] [video-bash.ru]
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video-bash.ru — видеоролики

Dear Robert! We are fans of the biggest fan club in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan! We wants to wish you a Happy Birthday! We know it's your birthday today. You are celebrating your anniversary.

Give us joy with your roles as often as possible. We wish You a lot of inspiration and creative success! We would like to wish You the best of luck, health and happiness for Your wife and Your children of course. Let a smile be always on your lips. We are delighted with Your smile! Always be yourself and follow Your dreams. We are looking forward to Your visit in Russia. Remember: we love you. You are the best. Happy birthday again, dear Robert!


Видео-баш - веселые видеоролики со всего Ру-Нета на каждый день
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