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video-bash.ru — видеоролики

While surfing in Peru, I discovered incredible numbers of very large and mean jellyfish, and couldn't resist the opportunity to try on a "jellyfish sombrero". It was every bit as fashionable as I expected, but by the time I was done, my life sucked. Make sure you check out the last prank I uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO1sUBypo8c&list=UUt54Hzhj7RpCWOYpoFJLKAQ

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I enjoy writing lots of stuff in these description bars, because I believe only real fans would ever read this far into them. I want to thank you guys for supporting my YouTube channel. I love working hard to entertain you all and, even though I'm about to turn forty damn years old, I'm not going to stop doing crazy stuff any time soon. Thank you all so much, lots and lots of love,

Видео-дневник "День за днем"
Это пиздец!!!!
2014-05-05 17:57:25

Видео-баш - веселые видеоролики со всего Ру-Нета на каждый день
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