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[ + 20 - ] [1 ? комментарии ] Wtf was I thinking?

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Sometimes I'm just tackled by some horrific memory from the past and I take 2 minutes to recover from the embarrassment. These, I've come to realize, are natural, and we should do our best to just let them wash over us so we can kick them away. We're going to make mistakes. But that's okay. That's how we learn. Embarrassment won't let us forget.

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I've been getting a lot of questions about my clothes, so here is where you can find them:

Black Milk Clothing
Where I get my design leggings, dresses and swimsuits. Lots of Star Wars, LOTR and other awesome designs.

Catabot Jewelry
All my necklaces are from here. The triforce, hexagon, gold fringe, and others.

Femme Fataled
Neon green/black heart top, blue mesh hi-low skirt, peach bow crop top

I got my Tardis leggings, dress, and top from here! As well as my Zelda tank and Miranda leggings.

The Steppie
I got my panda & ninja tops, tanks and hoodies from here :)

See you next Monday!
Lyrical Insanity
Just recently subbed to her, and the curiosity on finding out how she can have many of "herselfs" on screen at the same time. I ruled out all the possibilities, thought maybe she has a twin, until i saw three of them in one screen lol, thought of maybe just overlapping different takes and putting the background as a picture maybe, idk, But it is like seriously bothering me, im going crazy, trying to debunk this sorcery!!!! I damn near flipped my sister, when she snuck up on me, trying to figure this out lol (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \)
2013-11-20 02:39:37

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