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video-bash.ru — видеоролики

[ + 20 - ] Meanwhile 2

...in more parallel universes.

Buy shirts and I won't fight you http://sharkrobot.com/asdfmovie

Starring Kim (http://twitter.com/chocaholla)
Narration by Jonti 'Weebl' Picking (http://youtube.com/mrweebl)
Music and Horse Judge by Todd Bryanton (http://youtube.com/lildeucedeuce)
Filmed by Ciaran O'Brien (http://twitter.com/ciaranobrien)
Edited by Jack Howard (http://youtube.com/jackhoward)
Sound by Dan Pugsley (http://danpugsley.co.uk)
Effects by Andrew McMurry (http://youtube.com/andrewmfilms)
Parallel Narration by Michael Markman (http://youtube.com/mickeleh

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